Cocktail Infusion Kits

Addiction Mixology
Mixology, food classes, Turbo Sonic Mixer, InstaFoam, modern day TONICS, POTIONS, and ELIXERS

designed to enhance the enjoyment of spirits, wine and food. 


Pimm's Cooler

If you like a beer cocktail, this Pimm's Cooler by Dean Serneels of American Beverage Marketers will hit the spot during any heat wave. For more recipes using InstaFoam, go to

Pimm's Cooler

1 oz Pimms #1

2 oz Finest Call Blood Orange Sour

2 dashes Instafoam( quillaja or soap bark extract concentrate)

fill with wheat beer


Build ingredients in a Pilsner. Stir gently and serve.

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